The Pandemic and how it has impacted relationships

Article written by Hallie Cotnam · CBC News · Posted: May 03, 2021

COVID-19 is taking a toll on relationships and creating an increase in separation and divorce in Canada.

“What would ordinarily be a bump in a regular marriage is amplified,”

Russell Alexander – Divorce Lawyer

Several divorce law firms have experienced 30% growth in divorce case loads. This leads many to identify the strains the pandemic has brought into the homes of those who may have already been experiencing turbulence.

It has been noted that marriages are not the only relationships to have seen an increase in strain.

“We had parents who unfortunately were using the pandemic to change parenting arrangements, unilaterally trying to make changes to perceived wrongs that they think had occurred prior to the pandemic.”

Russell Alexander – Divorce Lawyer

From refusing to return children, in fear of exposure to ex spouse’s work or social circle. To arguments ensuing from disagreements regarding children’s social circles, either at school or extra curricular activities.

Parents have shown their decreased ability to communicate with their ex spouse, since the beginning of the pandemic.

MacKinnon Communications utilizes the interest-based family mediation model to build common ground and a future-focused plan.

The mediation process takes far less time, money, and stress than alternative approaches.

With MacKinnon Communications, you can move past the conflict and move into the future, sooner.

At MacKinnon Communications, family mediation is about giving you control back.

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